sábado, 11 de dezembro de 2010


Professora :Fanuria
PROJETO: Texto Científico
Através de texto científico promover a interdisciplinaridade enriquecendo o conhecimento dos alunos.
Compreender o uso de textos jornalísticos de divulgação científica, identificando o assunto do texto proposto, análise, discussão e desenvolvimento das soluções encontradas pelos alunos.
Leitura prévia do texto, organização de palavras-chave (ênfase para as palavras cognatas), trabalho em equipe para a análise do texto e construção de argumentações, organização das conclusões de cada equipe, elaboração de cartazes, apresentação e debate.

Público Alvo: 1º Ano EM.
Conclusão: Foi um trabalho gratificante que envolveu todos os alunos de forma participativa devido ao assunto do uso dos alimentos para o benefício da saúde de todos, sendo uma forma de prevenção de doenças.Informações relevantes foram colocadas principalmente atingindo aos alunos que não têm uma alimentação saudável.

Superfoods: Protect Your Body by Eating Right
From a news story by
San Francisco CBS 5 Dr. Kim Mulvihill

In North Beach in San Francisco, where some pretty super food gets served every night.
“Absolutely very super food! “ “I really like the taste” are comments by two diners.
But we're not just talking about taste. Research now shows some foods, including tomatoes, onions, garlic, and olive oil -- are among the superfoods. Superfoods are packed with powerful chemicals that may offer your body great protection against chronic disease --
“Including cancer, obesity, and heart disease.Vibrantly colored red yellow orange and green all gving you different types of phytochemicals!”
Natalie Ledesma is a registered dietician at U.C.S.F. She says compounds found in superfoods -- called phytochemicals -- can reduce the risk of cancer, boost the immune system, and even protect the heart. She showed us what everyone should try to eat each week for optimal health.
On her shoppinglist? Herbs!
“Dark green ones (herbs), like rosemary and thyme,
And any intensely colored spice, like tumeric or red pepper.
"Both of those have anti-inflammatory properties.”
Tumeric may reduce the risk of leukemia, skin, and liver cancers. Hot peppers may reduce the risk of colon, stomach, and rectal cancers. Also on the list: green veggies, but not just any green veggies.
"Brussel sprouts are part of the cruciferous vegetable family that has significant anti-cancer properties," said Ledesma. "That family also has a very favorable effect on hormone metabolism."
Other cruciferous veggies include cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower. And don't forget the tomato.
"It is probably the best source of lycopene, which is one of the phytochemicals that has shown significant anticancer properties, especially with prostate and potentially lung and breast cancer as well," said Ledesma.
As for fruit, citrus contains Vitamin C, limonoids, and phenols, which inactivate cancer cells and strengthen the immune system. Cantaloupes, mangos, and carrots contain cancer-fighting carotenoids. And berries are bursting with flavonoids and ellagic acid -- antioxidants that protect against cancer, ulcers, and viruses. Natalie recommends organic.
"Organic fruits and veggies have shown not only to have lower pesticide toxicities and lower pesticide levels, but also now have been shown to have higher phytochemical content," she said.
Don't forget the fatty fish or flaxseed -- both are excellent sources of Omega Three fatty acids that inhibit the growth of cancer cells and boost the immune system, olive oil, which may reduce breast, prostate, or colon cancer, and soy.
"Soy has protective effects for heart disease as well as osteoporosis, potentially," Ledesma said.
And finally onions, garlic, and shallots. They may protect the heart, fight cancer, and help with asthma.
Research shows that some foods, including tomatoes, onions, garlic, and olive oil, are “superfoods” because they contain chemicals that protect your body against chronic diseases like cancer, obesity, and heart disease.
Natalie Ledesma is a dietician at the University of California, San Francisco. She explains that superfoods contain compounds called phytochemicals, which can reduce the risk of cancer, boost the immune system, and protect the heart. She recommends the following list of foods people should eat every week in order to stay healthy:
• Dark green herbs like rosemary and thyme
• Colorful spices like turmeric and red paper
• Hot peppers
• Cruciferous vegetables, which include brussel sprouts, cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower
• Tomatoes
• Citrus fruits
• Cantaloupes, mangos, and carrots
• Berries
• Fatty fish or flaxseed
• Olive oil
• Soy
• Onions, garlic, and shallots
Ms. Ledesma recommends buying organic fruits and vegetables because they have lower levels of pesticides and higher levels of phytochemicals.
I. Research shows some foods are “superfoods,” packed with chemicals that offer protection against chronic disease including cancer, obesity, and heart disease.
II. Phytochemicals are compounds found in superfoods that reduce the risk of cancer, boost the immune system, and protect the heart.
III. What people should eat each week for optimal health
A. Dark green herbs and intensely colored spices
1. Examples: rosemary, thyme, turmeric, red pepper
2. Have anti-inflammatory properties
a. Turmeric may reduce risk of leukemia, skin, and liver cancers.
b. Hot peppers may reduce risk of colon, stomach, and rectal cancers.
B. Green vegetables
1. Cruciferous vegetables, e.g. brussel sprouts, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower.
2. Benefits:
a. Have significant anti-cancer properties.
b. Favorable effect on hormone metabolism
C. Tomatoes
1. Best source of lycopene, a phytochemical
2. Have significant anti-cancer properties, especially prostate, lung, and breast cancer
D. Fruit
1. Citrus fruits
a. contain vitamin C,limonoids, and phenols
b. inactivate cancer cells
c. strengthen immune system
2. Cantaloupes, mangos, carrots
a. contain cancer-fighting carotenoids
3. Berries
a. contain flavonoids and ellagic acid (antioxidants)
b. protect against cancer, ulcers, and viruses
E. Dietician Natalie Ledesma recommends organic fruits and vegetables.
1. They have lower levels of pesticides.
2. They have higher levels of phytochemical content.
F. Fatty fish or flaxseed
1. Excellent sources of omega three fatty acids
a. inhibit growth of cancer cells
b. boost immune system
G. Olive oil may reduce breast, prostate, or colon cancer.
H. Soy has protective effects for heart disease and osteoporosis.
I. Onions, garlic, and shallots may
1. protect the heart,
2. fight cancer
3. help with asthma.

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